Saturday, May 24, 2008

So what is it?

I have been trying to decide what exactly is going on with Adrienne... if it is, in fact, a sinus infection or something else. She has clear snot so I am not too confident with the sinus infection diagnosis. It occurred to me this afternoon that it could be Roseola and I was worried we may be exposing Christy's kids to it. So, I googled it and I am pretty sure that is exactly what she has but we will know for sure in a few days. Good news is that Adrienne is not contagious at this point! Now, we just need to decide if we should continue the antibiotic or not...

Roseola is a viral infection that typically begins with a mild upper respiratory illness, followed by a high fever (often over 103° Fahrenheit) lasting 2-7 days followed by a distinctive rash just as the fever breaks. Roseola most commonly affects children between the ages of 6 months and 2 years. The virus that causes roseola do not appear to be spread by kids while they are exhibiting symptoms of the illness. Instead, someone who has not yet developed symptoms often spreads the infection.

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Welcome to blog! Can you guess why it is called My Blue Jean Eyes? Yep, Cody and Adrienne have beautiful blue-grey eyes that look very much like the color of blue jeans! They are the joy of my life! This blog is dedicated to them and all the fun and crazy moments they bring to my life.