Thursday, February 5, 2009


Guess what I did today? REGISTERED Cody for KINDERGARTEN!!! YIKES! Where did they time go? My baby boy really is becoming all grown up. I had to fill out about 9 pages of stuff and send one to his Dr and will have to have one notarized. I am registering him out of district and the school that I work at (very good school) but am still hoping to be in Orlando by the time he actually starts. I will be working on my resume this weekend and starting the search full throttle!

1 comment:

Suzi said...

Good luck with everything! How is the move to Orlando planning going?

Welcome to blog! Can you guess why it is called My Blue Jean Eyes? Yep, Cody and Adrienne have beautiful blue-grey eyes that look very much like the color of blue jeans! They are the joy of my life! This blog is dedicated to them and all the fun and crazy moments they bring to my life.