Saturday, July 12, 2008

Corn on the cob

Had a very nice relaxing day today... beautiful weather (about 75 and sunny). Lloyd has been working on re-siding parts of the house and is now priming that new wood siding. We are trying to decide on a shade of light brown. We would really like grey but it won't go well with our dark brown roof and beige/brown and white bricks.

We had slow-cooked ribs and corn on the cob for dinner and we gave Adrienne her first ear of corn and she loved it! I am trying to find the picture I took of Cody eating his first ear of corn... it was super cute!

I am hoping to go to the beach tomorrow. It was mid 90s yesterday so that should have warmed the lakes up pretty good. Tomorrow it is supposed to be low 80s and Cody has been asking me daily when we can go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.

Welcome to blog! Can you guess why it is called My Blue Jean Eyes? Yep, Cody and Adrienne have beautiful blue-grey eyes that look very much like the color of blue jeans! They are the joy of my life! This blog is dedicated to them and all the fun and crazy moments they bring to my life.