Wednesday, June 25, 2008

the potty

Adrienne was introduced to the potty at school last week and although I feel it is really too early, I don't want to stand in her way if SHE is ready ;-) SOOOOO I bought her a potty and although she loves to sit on it, she hasn't went potty yet (not at school either) so we will see. It is there when she is ready. On a side note, her eczema is getting worse and I am not quite sure what to do about it - it is probably time for something stronger than what we have been using.

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Welcome to blog! Can you guess why it is called My Blue Jean Eyes? Yep, Cody and Adrienne have beautiful blue-grey eyes that look very much like the color of blue jeans! They are the joy of my life! This blog is dedicated to them and all the fun and crazy moments they bring to my life.