Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Things are starting to "settle down" for lack of a better word. The kids and I are adjusting to our new life in our new home and we are moving on. Moving on can be quite hard but I am trying to be strong. Our untimely separation coupled with Kerry's untimely death have been a lot to deal with. I worry about my family and all the wonderful loving people Kerry left behind. I worry that Adrienne and Cody will not have an awesome relationship with their dad. I worry that I will never have anyone to care about me/love me again and I worry that if I do find someone I will not be able to trust that person because of the infidelity ripping our lives apart now.

I have decided to give all my worrying to God though. I got a call from a woman in the church Monday night that was very encouraging. My cousin Kate sent me a wonderful card. My online friends are very supportive. My mom calls just about every day and my aunts are sure to remind me often how much they love me. All of your prayers and concern have touched my heart and helped me to find my strength again.

I have decided to go back to school to finish my teaching degree although I do not have it all planned out yet. I applied to St. Cloud State University yesterday. I know Kerry would be proud of that decision.

We are still getting unpacked but our really feeling at home in our new townhouse. Cody really likes it and Adrienne does great on the stairs. Here are some pics of our new home

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heather, I hope you can get this . I just wanted to let you know how neat I think this is and to let you know how proud I am of you and how well you have handled you latest "Probem"-and the neat job you have done decorating your apt. Love you , Aunt Carole

Welcome to blog! Can you guess why it is called My Blue Jean Eyes? Yep, Cody and Adrienne have beautiful blue-grey eyes that look very much like the color of blue jeans! They are the joy of my life! This blog is dedicated to them and all the fun and crazy moments they bring to my life.